The Homophobic Attack on National Lottery Funding For The LGB Alliance
The National Lottery Community Fund is, apparently, easily duped by ‘anti-trans hate groups’. At least, that appears to be the approach being taken by the gender ideologues, the self-appointed warriors seeking to remove any current sex-based rights and replace them with those based on gender.
The Fund has recently approved a grant to help the LGB Alliance set up a help line - cue the hyperbolic rage machine that is the ideologues weapon of choice.
Owen Jones stepped up to tweet his disgust, giving his opinion that the LGB Alliance was set up ‘purely to oppose trans rights’. He also presumed to speak for the ‘vast majority’ of the LGBTQ community by claiming that the Alliance is ‘abhored’ by those ‘who know anything about it’. He described the funding as ‘trolling LGBTQ people on a grotesque scale. No hyperbole there then!
Of course, he is entitled to as many erroneous views as he likes - and he has plenty in this area. However, a modicum of calm and rational investigative journalism would have led him to the real reason for the setting up of the LGB Alliance, namely a need for an organisation that focuses on the needs of gays, lesbians and bisexual people, by which I mean those who are either same-sex attracted or bisexuals who are attracted to others based on biological sex, which is real, and not gender identity, which is undefinable and without any scientific basis. Stonewall, the well-known LGBTQAI+ (add suitable extra letters as you wish) rights group has been busy moving its focus from the ‘LGB’ to the ‘TQ+’ element. In so doing, many LGB individuals have felt abandoned and worse. Stonewall is the main protagonist in this culture war and it is busy with the gender ideologues’ plan to remove all sex-based rights with those based on gender. Conveniently ignoring the legal definition of homosexuality (the sexual attraction of a person to another of the same sex) Stonewall now promotes an ideology that shames LGB individuals for wanting to maintain the idea of same-sex attraction.
John Nicolson MP also jumped aboard calling the decision to approve a grant ‘shocking’. He also called the LGB Alliance a ‘hate group’ claiming that it was targeting ‘vulnerable young LGBT people with prejudice and disinformation’. all said without a hint of irony. The other usual suspects made an appearance, mostly wittering on about the LGB Alliance being against a ban on conversion therapy. This is, of course, a real example of ‘disinformation’ for what the Alliance opposes is the ban on conversion therapy being extended to include ‘trans children’. As has been highlighted in the interim Cass Report and elsewhere, vulnerable and distressed young people, a majority of whom would grow up to be gay, lesbian or bisexual, are being ‘affirmed’ in their alleged trans identities and put on a medical pathway that includes prescribing puberty blockers. One has to look no further to find the modern manifestation of gay conversion therapy.
I am indebted to Malcom Clark’s Twitter feed @TwisterFilm for highlighting this issue and, as he suggested, I have written to the National Lottery Community Fund. The content of the email is below.
“I understand that you have received some ‘feedback’ from part of the ‘trans community’ regarding your funding of the LGB Alliance. I thought it might be helpful if you were to receive comments with some perspective, as opposed to the misinformation that the trans activist community appears to have been bombarding your twitter account with.
I am a straight white male. I am thus not affiliated with the LGB Alliance, although I support wholeheartedly the need for lesbian, gay and bisexual people to have their own support organisation. I am also a retired barrister, so I hope that I can bring some rational thinking to the debate, which appears to be sadly lacking in many of the Twitter posts I have seen.
The main criticism from trans activists (who form but a small part of a very small, but exceptionally loud, minority in the UK) is that you have agreed to fund a ‘hate group’. The basis for this claim varies but it generally riffs on the suggestion that the LGB Alliance wants to ‘eliminate’ or even ‘exterminate’ trans people. This is clearly ludicrous hyperbole.
The LGB Alliance was founded because many gay, lesbian and bisexual people became disillusioned with Stonewall as it has morphed into an organisation that prioritises the ‘rights’ of trans individuals (in the widest sense of that term) over those of same-sex attracted gays and lesbians and sex-attracted bisexuals. The most obvious expression of this change in direction is Stonewall’s support for the idea that same-sex attraction must be replaced with ‘same-gender’ attraction on the basis that same-sex attraction is, somehow, ‘transphobic’. This is coupled with the position taken by Stonewall (and others) that all ‘trans women are women’ and any ‘trans woman’ who is attracted to women is, by definition, a lesbian. Given that the vast majority of trans identified males (trans women in the activists’ jargon) neither take hormones nor have any form of ‘bottom surgery’, Stonewall’s views lead to the bizarre spectacle of, in particular, lesbians being shamed and targeted for not wanting to sleep with someone who has a penis.
Gender critical views are a protected belief under the law and sexual orientation (not gender orientation) is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. Homosexuality is defined as ‘same-sex attraction’ not ‘same-gender attraction. As in other legal areas Stonewall could be seen as promoting incorrect views of the law for the purpose of pursuing a very specific political agenda. The efforts of the ‘trans ideologues’ to delegitimise the LGB Alliance are a part of the same movement.
Given the level of abuse directed at the LGB community by those who pursue gender ideology it is no wonder that the need for the LGB Alliance was identified. Gender ideologues have decided that groups like the LGB Alliance and those seeking the maintenance of single-sex spaces for women and girls are a direct threat - not to individual trans people but to the political power the ideologues currently wield. Their choice is, as always, to bully people to get their own way and to stifle debate. I hope that these are tactics that you will have no trouble ignoring. Far from being ‘trans-exclusionary’ your decision to grant funding to the LGB Alliance is the epitome of inclusivity.
If you need any examples of the hate-filled homophobic and misogynistic abuse perpetrated by the trans community I suggest you browse this website - terfisaslur. These may be extreme examples but they are the direct result on mainstream gender ideology.